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The Door House

Used Garage Doors: Are They Really Worth It?

In the market for a new garage door and want to save some money? Or perhaps you’ve spotted a used one for sale and are considering it as a replacement? Whatever your reasons for wanting to purchase a used garage door, it’s worth taking some time to mull it over and consider whether it’s really worth it. Just like repairing a garage door yourself may not be the greatest idea, buying a used garage door might not be the best choice you’ll ever make. To help you make a more educated decision, we’ve listed a few things to consider when buying a garage door, what to check for should you decide to go for it, and our expert opinion on whether buying a used garage door is really worth it.

Points to Consider When Buying a Used Garage Door

First and foremost, when considering buying a used garage door, you’ll need to consider the aesthetics of the door. You’ll need to make sure it both looks good on the front of your house and, more importantly, is the right size.  There are many different widths and heights that are quite common so make sure to confirm it will fit your garage.

Remember, not all garage doors are the same. By far the most common issue used garage door buyers encounter is buying a garage door that’s too big or too small. Size is a crucial factor when picking out a used garage door and picking one that’s too big or too small could mean money down the drain. You’ll also want to check the clearance space of both your old garage door and the used door you’re considering. Some doors require more clearance above the door to operate than others so just because the door is the same size doesn’t necessarily mean it will work in your garage.  You’ll need to factor in the extra clearance needed to install tracks and a garage door opener, and choosing a garage door with too much or too little clearance could result in costly modifications or, again, wasted money.

What to Check for When Buying a Used Garage Door

If you’re already made up your mind about buying a used garage door or have one in mind, there are still a few things worth checking before pulling the trigger. First, you’ll want to make sure the garage door you’re thinking of buying is less than ten years old. Garage door safety features, standards, and designs change every year. So, buying a used garage door that was made in the last decade at least ensures relative safety.

You’ll also want to check for obvious things like wear and tear. This could be in the form of rust on steel garage doors, or cracks and split panels on wood garage doors. If you notice any such wear and tear we’d recommend walking away there and then. If everything checks out, however, it’s time to dig a little deeper and check for worn or damaged hardware. This includes things like rollers, hinges, screws, bolts, weather stripping, and, most importantly, springs. While it seems like it might be relatively cheap to replace rollers, hinges, screws, bolts, and weather stripping on a used garage door it can add up quick and your bargain might not end up being such a great deal after all.  Replacing damaged garage door springs is something best left to the professionals.

On the topic of springs, you’ll need to check with the previous owner about details like whether they’re the original springs or not, and when they were last replaced. If they are older you might want to consider replacing them while having the door installed..

Is Buying a Used Garage Door Really Worth It?

Speaking of installation, this is something best left to the professionals, mostly for safety reasons.  If you aren’t 100% sure about what you are doing the chances of injury while installing a garage door are quite high.  So, is buying a used garage door really worth it? In short, no.  You’re probably going to have to factor in hiring a pro to install the used door so unless you picked it up for almost nothing you might not be saving much in the end,  Most garage door professionals would agree that while you might save a few bucks in the beginning, a used garage door will end up costing you more than it’s worth in the long run. In addition to the fact that you won’t get a guarantee or warranty on a used door, it simply can’t beat the peace of mind a new garage door offers in terms of safety, reliability, and performance. Do yourself a favor and at least check how much a new door is supplied and installed.  Most people are surprised at how inexpensive they are and the used door usually won’t look like a bargain at all after you factor in all the costs.

If you’re in the market for a new garage door, do yourself a favor and purchase new from a reputable company. At The Door House, we’ve been serving the local community for over 25 years and have one of Calgary’s largest selections of both residential and commercial garage doors. Get in touch with us today to schedule an appointment and pick out your next garage door.