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The Door House

Garage Door Emergency Release Mechanism

Rare instances may arise when you need an emergency release mechanism on your garage door, such as during a power outage or if the motor malfunctions. It’s crucial to know how to do this without causing damage, especially when you need to leave for work.

Read on to learn more about how emergency release mechanisms in your garage work, why you need them and how to use them.

Why Do You Need To Have an Emergency Release Mechanism?

Here are some scenarios where you might find yourself unable to access your garage:

  • Power outage
  • Overhead opener is out
  • Lost remote
  • Safety hazards such as fire
  • Accidental lock-in

In these and many other scenarios, not having an emergency release mechanism could mean being locked out of your garage. This is where the garage door emergency release mechanism comes into play, providing a simple and effective solution to ensure you can always access your garage, even when the power is out, or the opener isn’t working.  Fortunately, garage door openers have had emergency release mechanisms built in for over 40 years due to national building safety codes.

So, How Does It Work?

To open the garage door manually using the emergency release mechanism, proceed as follows: From inside the garage, locate the red pull rope with red handle on it hanging from your electric opener.  Pull the emergency release rope by using the handle to pull downward with a firm tug. What this does is detach the overhead garage door from the opener, allowing the door to be opened manually.  Now you should be able to easily lift your garage door manually to get out or in.  Keep in mind, this will not work if you have a problem with the actual garage door itself in which case you will likely need to call a pro for help.

If you’re unable to lift your door after using the emergency release, never hesitate to ask a professional. If you need help, contact Door House today.